Hi! My name is Emelia Sautter and I am a Certified Nature & Forest Therapy Guide. My certification is through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy. Find out more @ www.ANFT.earth

My favorite days are the days that I get to fall in love over and over again. Most often those days happen when I am outside, spending time with the land – the trees, the grasses, the mud and soil, the sunshine, the birds and insects, the falling snow or the glorious moon. I have loved the natural world all of my life and this love has guided me throughout my life, my school, and my career. 

I have a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Illinois in Natural Resources and Environmental Science. After graduating, I volunteered for 2 years with AmeriCorps teaching conservation education at Wickiup Hill Learning Center. I then worked for 13 years as the Ecospirituality Coordinator at Prairiewoods Franciscan Spirituality Center.  I have also served as board President with I-Renew (Iowa Renewable Energy Association) as well as on a number of community collaborations including Eco-Fest, the Eco Film Festival and the Alternative Gift Market.

I now have my own Nature & Forest Therapy Practice, Good Medicine, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

My heart’s work loves spending time with the land and providing opportunities for humans to connect with self and with our nature relatives. I believe that Nature & Forest Therapy helps us fall more wholly in love with ourselves and with the world around us.

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Bathing in the Good Medicine of the Land